Marinate: Combine the soy sauce, maple syrup, and toasted sesame oil in a small bowl. Place the tempeh in a ziplock freezer bag. Pour the marinade over the tempeh, seal the bag, and gently massage the tempeh to coat it with the marinade. Place the bag in a container or baking dish just in case some of the marinade escapes. Let the tempeh marinate in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours or overnight.
Smoke: Place one and a half tablespoons of hickory wood chips in the bottom of the stovetop smoker. Place the drip and cooking trays on top of the wood chips. I recommend covering the cooking tray with aluminum foil for easier cleaning. Place the marinated tempeh on the cooking rack. Don't discard the marinade. Set aside for later.
Heat the smoker over low-medium heat on a stovetop burner. Once the smoke starts to appear (usually after 10 seconds), close the lid of the smoker completely and smoke the tempeh for about 20 minutes. Some smoke will escape from the smoker. That’s normal.
After 20 minutes, remove the smoker from the heat and let it cool for 20 minutes with the tempeh still inside. Then transfer to a plate. It is now ready to be grilled.
Grill: Heat a cast-iron grill pan over medium-high heat. Once hot, add about one tablespoon of oil and rotate the pan to coat it with oil. You can also use a pastry brush to spread the oil evenly.
Place the tempeh on the grill and cook for about 3 minutes, pressing with a spatula to make grill marks. Once it looks charred, flip the tempeh and cook the other side for another 3-5 minutes.
Remove from heat and brush with the remaining marinade on both sides.
Smoked tempeh can be served with rice, veggies, greens, etc, or used in sandwiches, salads, curries, stir-fries, or pasta. It will keep for up to 7 days in the refrigerator or 2 months in the freezer.
If you don't have a big loaf of tempeh feel free to use two smaller pieces. If you want to make your own tempeh, check out this recipe.