Place all the crust ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and process for about 1 minute until everything is well incorporated and looks smooth. You will end up with a slightly wet, very soft dough. Transfer to a large bowl, cover, and set aside while preparing the filling.
Combine the green lentils and brown rice with the water and salt in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil, lower the heat to medium, and simmer for about 25 minutes until the lentils are cooked and almost no liquid remains. Drain excess water if needed.
Place the rice and lentils in the bowl of a food processor and add the maple syrup, soy sauce, tahini, tomato paste, liquid smoke, onion, shallot, garlic, chestnuts, red bell pepper, and fresh parsley. Process for about 15 seconds until everything is roughly chopped and has the texture of ground meat. Taste and adjust salt and pepper if needed. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the cranberries and pine nuts. Set aside.
Heat a teaspoon of oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the chopped spinach to the skillet and allow to cook for 5 minutes until the spinach has softened. Add the chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Transfer the spinach to a colander and squeeze excess liquid by pressing with the back of a spoon. Set aside.
In the same skillet, sautée the mushrooms until they become tender and lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Deglaze the skillet with the soy sauce and continue to cook until no liquid remains. Set aside.
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Once you have the crust and fillings ready, you can start assembling the loaf.
Line a 9x5 inch loaf pan with parchment paper. Transfer about 1 cup of the tofu mixture to the bottom of the pan. Using wet hands, spread the mixture into an even layer. You can also place a piece of parchment paper on top and use the bottom of a glass to spread the mixture evenly. Be careful; the tofu mixture will be sticky and very soft.
Place the cooked spinach on top of the tofu mixture, leaving about 1 inch on each side. Top with the sautéed mushrooms. Spread about 2 cups of the lentil/brown rice filling on top of the mushrooms, pressing lightly.
Once you have placed the filling it's time to cover it with the remaining tofu mixture, this is the most delicate step. Using wet hands, take a small amount of the tofu mixture in your hands and carefully cover the filling, little by little, into an even thickness, making sure to press on the edges to enclose the filling. When the filling is fully covered, carefully rub it with wet hands to smooth the top.
In a small bowl, combine one tablespoon of maple syrup with one tablespoon of soy sauce. Brush the tofurkey with the glaze.
Cover with aluminum foil and bake for about 50 minutes. Bake uncovered for another 5 minutes until the top is golden brown, let cool 5 minutes before serving.
Serve with green beans, mashed potato, or peppercorn sauce. I found the roast tasted even better the next day.
You will only use about 1/3 to 1/2 of the filling for one tofurkey roast. You can freeze leftovers or use them to make veggie steaks. They will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days.
To serve in a baking dish (optional): Preheat oven to 350°F. In a large baking dish, combine 1 and 1/2 cups of water with 1 tbsp soy sauce. Add one finely chopped shallot, 6-8 small onions, one carrot cut into matchsticks, some chestnuts, and 1/4 tsp oregano. Bake for about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and place the cooked tofurkey in the middle of the baking dish, cover with foil and bake for another 15 minutes, just to reheat the tofurkey. The tofurkey roast will absorb some of the sauce and the tofu crust will be softer, even more delicious!